
DMZ Tour

  • Кёнги-до

  • Korea

  • North Korea

  • Korea_Tour

  • Сеул

  • ДМЗ

  • 80 000 KRW~

  • Полдня или меньше

  • 06.08.2022 ~ 31.12.2031

  • English, 中文(简体)

  • 0

  • 4

※ Стоимость и другая подробная информация о туре, указанные на сайте, впоследствии могут меняться. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с соответствующим туристическим агентством перед бронированием для получения более точной информации.
※ VISITKOREA не несет ответственности за качество товаров и услуг, представленных на сайте предприятий, и в случае возникновения ситуаций, когда клиентам причиняется ущерб прямым или косвенным образом, не возмещает убытки.

Have you ever thought you may be able to experience the WAR, if you want? Not many people knows it is possible to do somewhere in the world, like KOREA, the country both South and North are still in the war circumstance.
Visitors in Korea can go to see Korean Demilitarized Zone aka DMZ, which is the safest war zone existing in the world. South and North Korea are technically still at war, having agreed on ceasefire since 1953. Therefore this area still has military facilities including 4 infiltration tunnels. Visitors can go inside the 3rd infiltration tunnel made by North Korea during the tour, Gaeseong industrial complex, the symbol of South and North Korea economic cooperation, and Dorasan train station linked to Gaeseong complex as well.
People definitely wonder if it can be safe to visit this area. They don’t need to worry about it at all, of course it is very safe. All you need to do there is to listen to your guide, be careful with a few simple rules, and enjoy your tour. Fresh icy-cold water in the tunnel is waiting for visitors all the time, and North Korean propaganda village in the DMZ can be viewed from Dora-observatory with only a half dollar coin in!

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